
Celts in Belgrade


Celts in Belgrade

„The terms Celts (Κελτοί, Celti, Celtae) and Gauls (Galli, Galatai), which appear in historical sources, designate the population or rather the tribes whose settlement area in the fifth century BC was located in Central and Western Europe. In the early fourth century, a group of ese tribes crossed the Alps and diffused in northern Italy. Another group migrated south-eastward down the Danube River valley. Having settled, they were undertaking plundering raids into Greece at the beginning of the third century BC. After the defeat in a raid on the sanctuary at Delphi, a group of Celtic tribes migrated to Asia Minor and settled in the area around the present-day Ankara (ancient Galatia). According to historical sources, after the defeat at Delphi in 279 BC, a part of the Celts settled in the area between the Sava and Danube rivers. Together with members of other Celtic tribes who lived there already in the late fourth century BC, they formed the Celtic tribe of Scordisci.“