
Viewed from below, the whiteness of the limestone ridge, together with the remains of the early Byzantine fortress, must have clearly stood out in the surrounding landscape. Walls and towers built of stone of the same geological composition and color, no doubt gave a new name to the town, ‘Beograd’- The White Town. G.Marjanović Vujović, […]

The German emperor Frederick I Barbarossa, one of the greatest emperors of his time in Western Europe, stayed in Belgrade when leading a large army to the crusades. He arrived in Belgrade at the end of June 1189, where he, his men, and his escort celebrated festivals of the apostles Peter and Paul. The German […]

Archbishop Danilo talked about a visit of Queen Simonida to his brother-in-law Dragutin and his wife Katarina. Queen Simonida, accompanied by many nobles and with the approval of her husband the Serbian King Milutin, arrived in Belgrade most probably in 1315. She was welcomed with many gifts and honours by Dragutin, Serbian nobles, and envoys […]